Abuse and Bullying in School

Children should be safe in a public school setting. School personnel are seen by the law as having a special duty to children in their care.

Unfortunately, sometimes students are abused by school staff or other students. This abuse can be sexual, physical or emotional. Children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to abuse by staff and other students. While there are many good teachers and schools with good policies and leadership that confront these issues, there are some schools in which a culture of silence and cover-up prevails.
Ms. Klein has helped parents get compensation for the mistreatment of their child. For example, In 2015 Ms. Klein represented a family that received a $350,000 settlement in a case alleging a teacher’s mistreatment of a child in her classroom. You can learn more about this case here.

Student on student bullying can also create a dangerous situation for a child in school. While schools do not control every interaction among students, there are many policies and laws in place that require staff to take appropriate actions in which a culture of bullying is discouraged and corrective action is quickly taken when bullying occurs. Ms. Klein can help you get the School to take corrective action when bullying occurs and get damages when the bullying has been severe enough to have injured the student.

These cases are often highly complex and involve personal injury claims, and state and federal civil rights claims, making strategy especially important. Knowledge of the educational arena is key, because special laws that apply to schools can make a school abuse case very different than abuse which occurs in a different setting.

Contact us today:

9229 Ward Parkway, St. 370
Kansas City, MO 64114



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